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Welcome to my little corner of the net. Thanks for visiting! I am an elder Millennial who is a relatively new denizen of Roswell, New Mexico, an amateur photographer, computer technician, web developer, and  a mechanical clock and watch enthusiast. Here, you'll find links to my [socials] and contact info, my photography [portfolio], a short [biography], maybe a [blog] entry or two, and some [other] fun stuff. Below, you can read my [newsfeed]  which highlights minor changes to the site as well as brief life updates. Also, you may view a sample of my current favorite photos in the [spotlight] section below.


Peter Steiner, 05 JUL 1993
The New Yorker

This space is designed and designated to be where I show off my creative side. Social media is inherently toxic, so I don't participate as often as I used to. Also, there is always the danger of being locked into an ecosystem where we users have little control or say. Hence, why I maintain my own little acre of cyberspace.

Please feel free to follow along if you are interested in my story or my work.


Featured images from my gallery

News Feed


Gallery Update

Thursday, March 16, 2023

I spent most of my evening re-editing photos and re-organizing my photo collections. Hopefully, the updated gallery is a little easier to navigate. At the moment, the gallery is organized categorically and sorted alphabetically. At some point in the near future, I'd like to add a user sort function and tag search.

Local Artists

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

After connecting with a talented creator in my area, I decided to add another page to the site that highlights and promotes artists and entrepreneurs, especially young upstarts, within the Roswell community.

Spotify Playlist

Friday, March 10, 2023

My taste in music is, well, very eclectic to say the least. Since most people don't know how awesome my curating powers are, I wanted a way to share them on my site. If you're so inclined, go check out the Playlists page in the main menu.
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