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Adam Savage


YouTube Video, 'Adam Savage vs. His Peers?'

"Nobody escapes trauma. Nobody escapes the trauma of being alive. Nobody escapes the trauma of just being a person."



Welcome to my little corner of the net. Thanks for visiting! I am an elder Millennial who is a relatively new denizen of Roswell, New Mexico, an amateur photographer, computer technician, web developer, and  a mechanical clock and watch enthusiast. Here, you'll find links to my [socials] and contact info, my photography [portfolio], a short [biography], maybe a [blog] entry or two, and some [other] fun stuff. Below, you can read my [newsfeed]  which highlights minor changes to the site as well as brief life updates. Also, you may view a sample of my current favorite photos in the [spotlight] section below.


Peter Steiner, 05 JUL 1993
The New Yorker

This space is designed and designated to be where I show off my creative side. Social media is inherently toxic, so I don't participate as often as I used to. Also, there is always the danger of being locked into an ecosystem where we users have little control or say. Hence, why I maintain my own little acre of cyberspace.

Please feel free to follow along if you are interested in my story or my work.


Featured images from my gallery

News Feed


Lichen Forest

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Yesterday morning, Rudi and I drove to the mountains for a day hike and to practice our landscape photography in the Lincoln National Forest. Usually, we have horizon-to-horizon clear skies and intense sunshine. This weekend, however, it has been overcast and cool. As spoiled as I am now with my daily dose of fusion photon therapy, it was nice to have some different weather to photograph in. We came back tired and with lovely atmospheric images of lichen covered boulders and fire scarred trees.

Photowalk & First Prints

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Rudi printed one of my favorite images from several years ago earlier last week, and today, I finally framed it with a custom mat made with help from a very nice person at the Hobby Lobby here in town. I'd like to hang it in our office suite at the college. If approved, it will be my very first photograph available to view IRL in a public space. Sarah is also on my ass about selling some of my work, so that may become a thing too in the near future.

"Freedom" and "Ownership"

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Like perhaps many people in my culture, I aspire to own things. I also aspire to be as free as is possible. Where I struggle is in the understanding of what that means within the context of a broader view of humanity that I hold. The fact that I will soon be dead kind of means that I can't really "own" anything. I also doubt very much that there is such a thing as unfettered personal liberty or, probably, even free will.


Monday, March 18, 2024

I just returned from a trip to the mountains with Rudi and Michaela. Clearly, I need to get out more often. The depression comes and goes. Hopefully, with more daylight, I can adopt my old routines again. Scheduling time to move my body doesn't work for my level of motivation. It must be a daily task with a purpose and the time is coming again soon when I can begin cycling to the college. Money is still tight, but I am managing largely because of the help that Sarah is providing. My 40th is coming up in several months... which is exciting. Also, I have noticed that my greys are starting to appear in earnest patches around my temples. Randee wants to plan two visits this year and we have agreed that it may be best if I fly to Alaska in the summer rather than next winter. Likewise, she will fly south for a visit during Christmas break.

Photo Walks

Monday, February 26, 2024

On Saturday's, usually, Rudi and I walk around town in the early morning, just before or after sunrise, to practice our photography and to get a little exercise. Some of the images made on these treks are worthy of sharing so I have created a new series titled Photowalks in the main gallery of my portfolio. You can find it at

Spinning Cube of Doooom!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Since I have decided to keep my private Facebook profile active, I wanted a way to display my feed on the landing page of my site. has a neat little plugin for Wix that displays a spinning cube with the latest photos pulled from my timeline. It reminds me of Compiz Fusion from back in the day. I have it disabled on the mobile version of the site, so you won't see it if you are viewing from your phone.

Facebook Update

Saturday, February 17, 2024

I have decided to keep my Facebook account active for now. Regardless of what I think about the company and their services, it is still the best way to connect with friends and family. According to Statista, Facebook had 2.1 billion active daily users in the fourth quarter of 2023. Despite how I may feel about it, Facebook is the social media platform used by the world.
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